Rail Steel, 15 × 15 × 45 cm / 15 × 15 × 60 cm, 2022
Exhibition view, ›bonding (Hüttenwesen)‹, Gallery Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein, Ursulinenhof, Linz, Austria, 2022
we are walking, talking minerals
Space Installation, azores basalt on ceramic plates, textile, 3 × 3 × 3 m, 2022
Exhibition view, ›we are walking, talking minerals‹, Rathaus1, Gmunden, Austria, 2022
Installation, azores basalt, 2022
Exhibition view, ›VOLCANOES‹, Sink, Vienna, 2022
Photos: Lukas Matuschek
Installation, azores basalt, 2022
Exhibition view, ›VOLCANOES‹, Sink, Vienna, 2022
Photos: Lukas Matuschek
Exhibition view, ›VOLCANOES‹, Sink, Vienna, 2022
Photos: Lukas Matuschek
bonding (Hüttenwesen)
Space installation, raw materials of Voest - slag, steel, various iron ores, various alloying elements, crucible, floor: blast furnace slag, steel displays; 2022
Exhibition view, Gallery Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein, Ursulinenhof, Linz, Austria
›bonding (Hüttenwesen)‹, Space installation, raw materials of Voest - slag, steel, various iron ores, various alloying elements, crucible, floor: blast furnace slag, steel displays; 2022
Exhibition view, Gallery Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein, Ursulinenhof, Linz, Austria
Studies on Steel
Series of drawings, pastell on paper, 21 × 30 cm, 2022
exhibition view, ›bonding (Hüttenwesen)‹, Gallery Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein, Ursulinenhof, Linz, Austria
›Studies on Steel‹, Series of drawings, pastell on paper, 21 × 30 cm, 2022
exhibition view, ›bonding (Hüttenwesen)‹, Gallery Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein, Ursulinenhof, Linz, Austria